Automatic Transmission Fluid

ENGEN ATF 6 Fully Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid Meeting DEXRON VI Specification
Engen ATF 6 Fully Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid Meeting DEXRON VI Specification
Engen ATF 6 automatic transmission fluid (ATF) is a fully synthetic fluid meeting and exceeding the new requirements of the General Motors’ DEXRON VI specification. It is designed to provide double the performance of previous generation products in terms of friction durability, viscosity stability, aeration and foam control and oxidation resistance according to General Motors’ specifications. It has the potential to enable improved fuel economy and extended drain intervals. It provides constant friction characteristics, wide operating temperature range, high shear stability, excellent anti-wear properties ensuring long transmission life and consistent smooth shifting over its whole service period.

ENGEN ATF 33 G and 22 D
PDS: ATF 22 D & ATF 33 G Product Datasheet
Two high quality automatic transmission fluids made from solvent refined base oils, viscosity index improvers, anti-oxidants, anti-wear agents, detergents, defoamants and special friction modifiers. Engen ATF 33 G meets the requirements of Automatic Transmissions designed to use Type F automatic transmission fluids and Ford specification ESW-M2C 33-G. Engen ATF 22 D meets the requirements of Mercedes Benz specification MB 236.1.

Engen ATF III Multipurpose Automatic Transmission Fluid
Engen ATF III Semi-Synthetic, Multipurpose Automatic Transmission Fluid
Engen ATF III is a semi-synthetic, high performance, multipurpose automatic transmission fluid (ATF) which exceeds General Motors Dexron III-G and Ford MERCON long drain performance requirements. It provides outstanding performance in automatic transmissions and power steering units where General Motors Dexron III-G and the older Dexron III-F, II-E or II-D fluids are specified. Special base stocks in combination with a modern additive technology provides its constant friction characteristics, wide operating temperature range, high shear stability, excellent anti-wear properties ensuring long transmission life and consistent smooth shifting over its whole service period. Engen ATF III meets the requirements of Mercedes Benz specification MB 236.1 and is also suitable for used in applications calling for Allison TES 389 performance levels.