Engen Antifreeze & Summer Coolant
Anti-Freeze Summer Coolant
MSDS: Anti Freeze & Summer Coolant Material Safety Datasheet
PDS: Antifreeze & Summer Coolant Product Data Sheet
Engen Antifreeze & Summer Coolant is a superior quality concentrated antifreeze and cooling system conditioner which exceeds most OEM requirements. It is ethylene glycol based and incorporates powerful additive technology to ensure year-round protection against freezing and corrosion. Its hybrid corrosion inhibitor package is based on organic acids and silicates. Engen Antifreeze & Summer Coolant does not contain nitrites, amines or phosphates (NAP free). It meets the requirements of ASTM D 3306, ASTM D 4985, SAE J1034, AFNOR NF R 15-601, ONORM V 5123 and BS 6580: 1992

Engen Readymix Coolant
Ready Mix Coolant
PDS: Readymix Coolant Product Datasheet
Engen Readymix Coolant is a nitrite-, amine-, silicate-, borate- and phosphate-free premixed engine coolant based on ethylene glycol. Being pre-diluted with deionized and demineralized water and ready for use there is no chance of over or under dosing. It provides excellent corrosion protection to all cooling system metals and alloys used in internal combustion engines. It provides protection against freezing down to -10 °C for up to one year. It is miscible with most other conventional coolants, although mixing is not recommended.

Engen Superbrake Fluid Dot4+
Super Brake Fluid Dot 4+
MSDS: Super Brake Fluid Dot 4 +Material Safety Data Sheet
PDS: Super Brake Fluid Dot 4 Product Datasheet
Engen Super Brake Fluid Dot 4+ is heavy duty synthetic brake fluid blended mainly from glycol ethers and poly-glycols and contains corrosion and oxidation inhibitors to enhance its natural corrosion and chemical stability. It exceeds the two internationally recognized American Standards, viz., SAE J1703 and DOT 4 (Department of Transportation, USA). It also exceeds the requirements of the South African Government’s Compulsory Standard Specification (Gazette No. 4562) and passes all important tests specified for brake fluids, e.g. fluidity at low temperatures, evaporation, water tolerance, compatibility, resistance to oxidation and effect on rubber.

Engen Two Stroke Super
Super Two Stroke
MSDS: Engen Two Stroke Super Material Safety Datasheet
PDS: Two Stroke Super Product Data Sheet
Engen Two Stroke Super is a superior quality, non-ash forming SAE 30 Two Stroke motor oil. It is dyed blue for ease of identification. Engen Two Stroke Super provides miscibility and fluidity characteristics meeting Grade 2 of SAE J1536 and far exceeds the API TC performance level.

TekProl 131
Tekprol 131
MSDS: Tekprol 131 Material Safety Datasheet
PDS: Tekprol 131 Product Datasheet
A controlled-drying, solvent based, water-washable degreasing fluid designed for most industrial and automotive applications.